Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy New Year!

Hello, and Happy New Year everyone! I hope your holiday was filled with too much food, and happy memories with your family! For us, this holiday was a lot of fun. The girls are at really cool ages now, so we can start some traditions with them. For example, I really like to get everyone new pajamas and as a family open them with a book on Christmas Eve. After we open our new pjs and books we set out cookies for Santa.... (aka me, because Adam doesn't eat cookies...lucky me!). Then it is off to bed for the girls and cookie time for me... As I sit and eat the cookies this year, I am thinking... "well I probably don't need to eat them all... oh heck what's one more..." about two cookies deep, I started feeling like maybe need to have more self control with my sweet tooth.
Christmas morning comes, the girls rush out to their table to find what Santa has brought them.. Loretta immediately starts opening her books, and her "hake up", Audrey just watches and sips on her milk.. Adam and I decided that we didn't want to buy unnecessary toys for the kids this year because lets be real they only play with them for a few days, then they are forgot about.. The girls right now are both loving books and dinosaurs, so thats mostly what Santa brought them. My good friend Nicole introduced me to these Usborne books, and if you have never heard of them I HIGHLY suggest you check them out! They are beautiful and great quality books for children of any ages!! If you would like to know how to get them just ask and ill hook you up with Nicole! Anyways, (sorry I am like the queen of being sidetracked) after some reading and growling at each other with the plastic dinosaurs we packed our things, put on our stretchy pants, and headed to Fort Lauderdale to be with Adams family!

The girls are really well behaved in the car on the 4.5 hr drive......hahaha NOT. Loretta is screaming at Audrey even though they are on opposite sides of the car, and Audrey is throwing her snacks and sippy on the floor where its impossible for me to reach and still watch the road. Eventually we arrive to Grandma Graces house. This is the happiest place on earth by the way.. At any given time you can eat cookies and sweets until you explode. These cookies aren't just normal cookies either.. They are literally the best cookies in the world.. Im not sure if its the butter or the sugar that make these cookies so wonderful, but I know before we go to Grandma Graces house I try to not eat for about a week because I know I will just eat the entire time I'm there. 

Soon after we get there we open our gifts and have dinner. Dinner was amazing as I'm sure you can guess. I was super happy that I remembered my stretchy pants this year because last time I didn't..... After we are all finished eating we put on our matching pajamas.... Adma's grandma got us all personalized Santa pajamas and they were the coolest things i've ever seen. Of course, we had to all get together for pictures!!
This was the best we could do, because..... well we are all a little wild and crazy and it was very hard to get everyone to hold still long enough to get one decent picture. 

The rest of the night was spent hanging out and playing Cards Against Humanity... I have to say Adams cousins may be the most hilarious and fun people I have ever met in my entire life and whenever we get to spend time with them I usually laugh until my stomach hurts. This Christmas night was no different than any other time spent with the cousins! We warmed up leftovers from dinner, and ate cookies and junk food and laughed until the cows came home... haha there weren't any cows but I sure felt like one from eating all day! We spent a few days in Fort Lauderdale then made the journey back home to Tampa.

New Years here wasn't too exciting, we spent the night with some great friends of ours, Rich and Kim, and Adam's step sister Melissa and her husband Tony joined us. We ordered 3 giant pizzas and waited patiently for the ball to drop... Around 10:30 I looked at the clock and instantly felt super lame because I was exhausted and ready to call it a night.. But I pushed through and watched Brittany perform "toxic" in whatever kind of outfit that was.. and doing whatever kind of dancing that was.. Then came Mariah in her beautiful (but super low cut) dress and jacket of fur. Finally the ball dropped... YES! Now I can go to bed! 

Okay.. so New Years Resolutions.. Do you have one? Will you actually stick to it? These are questions people have been asking me... I have never truly made a New Years resolution.. But maybe I should start! I could stop eating I take it back I really can't, and who doesn't want to eat cookies anyways... I could stop using curse words.....well sometimes you just have to mumble a few under your breath when the kids throw an entire plate of food you just prepared for them on the floor.... (this is a huge pet peeve of mine..just so you know). Maybe I could try to work out.. NO. Just no. For those of you who made a resolution I support you and hope you can stick to them.  As for me.. I guess ill just stick to not making one!
I hope 2018 brings everyone happiness and joy. Thanks for following along with me, and if there is something you'd like me to talk about next time just drop me a comment and ill see what I can do! 


  1. Dana, I'm so glad y'all had such a great time at the holidays this year! Sounds like it was a blast! I totally planned on coming over for New Years with y'all but it was a close the store night before and open the store next morning situation for me. As far as a resolution, I honestly only have one. That is to spend a helluva lot more time with my friends, who are increasingly becoming more and more like familia to me. So, hopefully, y'all wont be gettin' tired of me anytime soon! Love y'all!
    Capt. Tony W.
    Gettin' It Wet Saltwater Fishing Charters

    ps- really enjoyin' the blogs so please keep them comin'!!

    1. Thank you Captain Tony!!! Adam told me you had to work!! No problem at all! We will all get together soon!!!


"Have Kids" They Said!

So, I should start by saying.... I love Audrey and Loretta more than anything in this world. And I would never want to live my life...