Thursday, December 21, 2017


So recently, Loretta has discovered my makeup.... or as she likes to call it “hake-up”...... this is a very uhmmm exciting time I guess one would call it.... 

For those of you who know me, would know that I know absolutely NOTHING about makeup... I own eyeshadow, mascara and some lipgloss.... I have foundation that I’m not really sure how to apply.... I own one of those pink egg sponges, however, I don’t understand what the deal is with it. Are you supposed to get it wet first? What if my foundation is powder? Do I still need this “miracle sponge”? Apparently if you don’t use this sponge your foundation won’t work I guess. Well mine hasn’t left the wrapper since that one night a year ago.... Anyways, I don’t know how to do makeup. I may need to call Adams cousin Holly and have her give me lessons because I know the day will come when Loretta will want to go out in public and wear her “hake-up”.

Okay so back to Loretta doing her “hake-up.” The first time she wanted to play with makeup was a few weeks ago when Elena and I were washing our hair with some new shampoo and brushing our teeth with this ridiculous charcoal toothpaste that’s supposed to whiten your teeth and stain your toothbrush and maybe walls in the process! While Elena and I are laughing at the black rings around our lips, Loretta is digging through my old makeup bag and we happen to look over to see her.... she had concealer on her cheeks and eyeliner on her legs and arms. Lipstick was on her lips, she actually did really well with the lips. When I saw her, she was getting into the black eyeshadow. So naturally I did what every good mom would do, and I got her a headband to get her hair out of her way! I can’t decide who enjoyed this experience more.... me, Elena or Loretta! When she was finished I knew I had to show Adam. 

I scoop Loretta up in my arms and carry her downstairs to the garage where Adam and his three guy friends were hanging out. We walk in and his eyes got about as big as a half dollar. He said, “oh my god. What happened? What is all over her!?!” So we all laugh and I try to explain how Loretta wanted to do her “hake-up.” It really melted my heart how excited and proud she was. Shortly after we showed Daddy, we went upstairs and took it all off because I’ve been told it’s not good to sleep with our makeup on. So I explained this to Loretta and surprisingly she was okay with taking it off. Little did I know, this was just one of more “hake-up” experiences to come. 

Today I was getting ready to meet Elena for pedicures, and Loretta followed me into the bathroom. She went right to the bottom drawer and grabbed that makeup bag. I really didn’t have too much time to be playing makeup with her but I decided this time with Loretta was important for me to take advantage of. Lately Loretta has been acting out and I know she is screaming for my attention. So we did makeup. The sounds of her belly laugh filled the bathroom as she applied the concealer to her eyebrows and lips. Next, she went for the black eyeshadow and brushed it right above her eyes. After that she went in for the red lipstick and when she was finished she topped the lips off with concealer. In my head I’m thinking, “well this will be fun when she licks her lips and realizes the concealer probably doesn’t taste too good...” but I put my hand on her chin and moved her face so she could make eye contact with me and I smiled and said, “baby, you are so beautiful, I absolutely love your makeup! I am so proud of you! You can put make up on so well!” She smiled that beautiful smile and looked back at me and said, “mommy, Loretta do hake-up so good” at this moment I was glad I decided to forget about the rush I was in so I could enjoy this time with my sweet Loretta. 

I often feel like I’m always in a hurry, or too busy to slow down and give her my attention. I don’t mean that I never play with her. I certainly do, but most times Audrey is right beside her. I love both of my girls the same, but I forget sometimes how special they are individually! So whenever Loretta wants to play with her “hake-up” guess what.... we do it.

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